Despite skipping my Tuesday evening run this week, I have actually been pretty good about sticking to my exercising. My eating habits however, have seen better days. Lot’s of candy, maybe even a mint chocolate chip and pistachio ice cream waffle cone and well….two trips to California Tortilla in two days. Not such a good thing...my stomach and my weight seconds that notion.
I have not been on a scale in several days, but the last I checked, I was at 138. That was pre California Tortilla, of course. I’ve decided I’m going to wait until Monday to weigh in again. Give myself several days of eating right, a run and even a 32 mile bike ride. I hope to be back to 135 sooner rather than later.
Besides the fact that my numbers are creeping above 140, which is not an option for me, I have a wedding that my boyfriend has invited me too, in just over a week’s time. I need to make sure I fit into the dress I plan to wear at the wedding! It’s good incentive to pass on the candy bar, or the late night snacks. He and I even did some P90X last night before our dip in the pool. It was my first time doing P90X since the concussion/neck injury from the pool show in June and his first time seeing P90X. Felt great afterwards and I am hoping to get back to my 6 am workouts again.
Might be back to running without my running buddy. Unfortunately, changes in our lives often screw up our schedules and interfere with our day to day stuff. Hopefully we’ll be able to work out a new routine to keep us both running.
I was yet again at the Doctors office this past Monday and with all of the recent bodily injuries, the staph and so forth, I commented to him that I feel as if I’m at the doctors office more now that I’m “healthy”, than I ever was when I was 209 lbs. This thought has been bothering me for sometime, but does no longer. The Good Doctor pointed out to me that one doesn’t get staph or various injuries from sitting on the sofa watching TV, unless perhaps he stubs his toe on the way to the bathroom to pee. I like the way he thinks! LOL *smile*
Thankfully, the Fibromyalgia has been my friend lately and has been treating me well.
This weekend – The Covered Bridge Metric Century in which Katie and I will be completing a 50K (31 miles) on our bicycles in Lancaster, PA. This past Sunday, I rode 20 miles for the first time EVER, and it was great. The Monday after, my legs were definitely feeling it and I was wobbling a bit but still loved it. I can’t wait for this weekends challenge. Keep an eye out for pictures folks!
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