Monday, May 10, 2010
My goal this week was to get up every day at 6 am to get in a morning workout.
This morning I was suppose to do my P90X CardioX and Ab Ripper routines. However, it's only Monday and already I've failed! The alarm went off, I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and decided it was too cold and I went back to bed. How pathetic! That means I had to workout after work and miss my target excursion. I'm bummed, but I only have myself to blame. At least I got my workout in and didn't talk myself out of it this evening after getting home. Had to stay away from the couch so I didn't get comfortable. That was the key to this evenings success!
Also proud to say that a few of us went out to lunch today (rare for me during the week), to Amicci's for a friends birthday and I ordered a shrimp salad with a healthy red wine dressing. I also sparingly sampled a couple of other plates but was well behaved. Now I can enjoy a small slice of homemade strawberry pie, compliments of my friend Katie. Thanks Katie!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Today, I was suppose to meet a new running partner, CCJ, to run 6 miles at Patterson Park but unfortunately, the weather had different plans for us. Instead, I worked an hour late and then drove straight to the fitness center at my apartment complex to hit the treadmill. The fear being, if I went home first to feed the cats and change, I wouldn't make it back out of the house. Glad to say I accomplished today's goal and ran 6 miles. Even better, I did it in 1:00:17. Nice to see my pace back up there and away from the 12 min pace I've been keeping lately.
Also met my goal of getting up at 6am this morning to complete my hour long P90X stretch workout. Was a great way to start my day.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Didn't make it out of bed this morning at 6 am to do my cardio and ab routines. However, I did make it to the gym after work to do my upper body work out and managed an ab routine there. My goal is to have arms and abs of steel by year end! Yeah right! One can only hope!
A confession though....I had a mini twix, a mini snickers and a semi-sweet dark chocolate nugget with almonds today. Yummy! Hey, I can justify the nugget! It's DARK chocolate AND has ALMONDS! Right? Right?
I'm still hoping for a week where I make it up at 6 am, EVERY WEEK DAY, consecutively!
Oh and the best part - I managed to get in my target excursion and found a shrug to go with tube dress I plan to show off this weekend at a Spring Gathering!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I thought about going back to bed for a minute or two but when I rolled over, I realized just how stiff I was and thought stretching would go along way. I was glad I did it afterwards. It not only eased up the Fibromyalgia, but the sore muscles from working out.
Met my new running partner, CCJ, at Druid Hill Lake this evening. I was suppose to run 8 miles but if I calculated correctly, only made it through 7.75 miles. My right knee and both my thighs were in pretty rough shape in that last quarter. Maybe next week. My 10 mile race is on June 19th, so I have a little over a month to finish training.
However, I was so sore when I got home that I soaked in a hot bath. Would have been better for the body if I had some Epsom salt, but not this evening.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Woohoo! I managed to get up and exercise at 6 am THREE days this week! Last week I'm pretty certain it was only two, so I'm already improving! Did my cardio and abs this morning knowing, I wouldn't be exercising after work.
Also enjoyed lunch at Houlihan's with a couple of girlfriends from work and enjoyed a delicious corn tortilla soup and a jumbo shrimp salad. Who said eating heatlhy can't taste good and be affordable? They have awesome lunch entrees.
Instead, I made some healthy chicken and black bean enchiladas. I've been trying to make a new recipe each weekend to freeze for fresh "prepared" meals instead of frozen meals. I've noticed I loose more weight when I'm eating less processed foods.
Now lets hope I make it through the Spring Gathering without too much damage! Good thing I have a Spin and Zumba class Saturday morning and I'm running 6 miles Sunday morning!
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