I started my training a few weeks late because I was training for my Lancaster 50K bike ride. I modified the training program to fit the time I had to train. Oh, and I waited until two weeks before the race to read the Galloway book which was full of all sorts of useful training information I could have used when training for the Baltimore 10 Miler. But I did it, I ran a half-marathon. I ran 13.1 miles for the first time ever!
Not only did I run it and love it, but I ran it in 02:03:36. The best part, I had a 9:26 pace! I was hoping for a 10 minute pace! Woohoo!
Next year, the full marathon! Or, at least that's the plan. The only hitch with that? The fibromyalgia. I noticed after my 12 mile run in NC, I slept through the car ride home from NC to MD. I then slept for another couple of hours after getting home and I slept through the evening just fine as well. After the half-marathon, the same exhaustion hit and I went to bed by 9:30 pm on more than one evening last week. Is it the shear act of running 13 miles or is it the fibromyalgia? Is it a combination of both? If I'm this exhausted after 13 miles, what's going to happen when I'm trying to run 20 miles?
Next up, I have the 5 mile Celtic Solstice on December 18th. Last year, they ran this race in a blizzard. After that, I'll be looking forward to the Tough Mudder competition in April. Time to focus on not just cardio but strength training. If I'm going to make it through a 12 mile obstacle course, I need to start working on my upper body strength.
Tough Mudder, here I come!
I'm still being referred to as an athlete. Still feeling rather blah about that word. Feeling more like a half-athlete really. Maybe after Tough Mudder and hopefully completing the full marathon, I'll be ready to call myself an athlete.