By noon, I had walked into the "tower" on my desk, bumped my elbow into the wall, spilled hot tea in my lap and tripped over my own shoes, at least twice. During lunch, I spilled tea on the book that I was reading. What the heck?! I feel completely and totally discombobulated. My brain and my body just aren't conversing the way that I'd like.
I'm not sure that I'm tired as I went to sleep last night at 10 pm and slept wonderfully until 7 am this morning. Though, I did nod off during lunch today while reading a book that I am really enjoying, so perhaps that is an issue. I don't believe I have over exercised - I ran 4 miles last Tuesday, skipped my Thursday run and rested until Saturday, when I enjoyed a strenuous 4 mile hike (if that) and a had fantastic 16 mile bike ride on Sunday. Obviously, I am not lacking of exercise either. So why is the Fibromyalgia still acting up!?!?!?!?
Today I rest. Tomorrow, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be up to a 4-6 mile run. Same on Thursday. Saturday will be spin, come hell or high water and another long bike ride on Sunday. I am still skipping my strength training to give myself proper rest days and as of today, doubling up on my meds. I will not let this slow me down, even if the pain is taking it's toll. Unfortunately, what worries me the most is the extreme exhaustion which is bound to set in soon, if I can't get this under control.
If ever there were a time I were to pick up faith and pray, now would be the time, haha.